Investing in people, protecting our planet, and creating long-term sustainable profits.

New Mexico Business Stars

Visit Las Cruces

Chris Faivre, Director of Marketing & Communications
Business Contact Information:

Local Business Impact
Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument

What does the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks (OMDP) National Monument mean to you?

Las Cruces is fortunate to have three national monuments with 35 minutes of the city. OMDP is a popular spot for visitors to hike and explore the outdoors regardless of their level of ability. Since the designation, we have seen a 150% increase in interest in the Organ Mountains on our website, and the number continues to increase every year. As the catalyst for the area’s hospitality industry, we see OMDP as one of the key components to our Monuments to Main Street month in September and share this must-attend event with potential visitors from other parts of the state as well as nationwide. When these visitors stay in our hotels, they are contributing to our lodgers tax, spending money in our community, and telling others about our wonderful area.

What ways do you use the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks in your business?

We promote the monument as a great place to hike and explore the outdoors in Las Cruces. As the monument continues to develop, we will use it as a showcase of not only our natural resources, but as a marker and teacher of our area’s rich history. Monuments to Main Street is the perfect showcase to highlight the many wonderful events taking place in September in our area as well as embrace the many specialty tours, hikes, yoga on the monument, the Plein Air painting festival, and more. The month-long festival provides numerous opportunities to explore places and events that make southern New Mexico unique.

In collaboration with:

Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce

Partnership for Responsible Business