Investing in people, protecting our planet, and creating long-term sustainable profits.

Leveraging Public Lands to Grow your Business

Public Lands are a vital asset to your business!

The Partnership for Responsible Business believes in the power of the Outdoor Recreation Economy in contributing to a resilient and equitable economy that benefits all New Mexicans. We believe that Public Lands are a vital asset to businesses within the Outdoor Recreation Economy and as such Public Lands should be promoted, defended, and protected by business.

Incorporating Public Lands messaging into your marketing can:

  • Strengthen the connection with your customers and community
  • Create earned media opportunities (any material written about you or your business that you haven’t paid for or written yourself)
  • Generate meaningful content
  • Create understanding and value around Public Lands

We’ve created this toolkit to answer basic questions and help you get started:

Download the marketing kit (pdf) here!
Contact with any questions!