Caja del Rio Business Stars
Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce
Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce
Glenn Schiffbauer
Executive Director
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Local Business Impact
Caja del Rio
– How is your mission aligned with protecting public lands?
Advocating for green public policy and issues that support sustainable business is a year-round part of what we do. Our organization is involved at the city, county, and state levels promoting legislation that benefits our community and our membership. We know that access to protected publicly-owned land has been a benefit to communities located near the two national monuments that our organization has participated in bringing to fruition.
– What percentage of your customer base is engaged in outdoor recreation?
Only a small percentage of our 150 plus members is directly involved in outdoor recreation. That said, we have a large percentage of our membership embedded in the hospitality industry. These businesses not only reap great benefits from outdoor recreation, but they are the sector that is a primary promoter to the demographic of the outdoor enthusiasts coming to New Mexico. Additionally, our members themselves tend to be very active in enjoying our access to nature here in New Mexico.
– How does protecting the Caja benefit you, your business, and the larger community?
Public land protection is vital to most local businesses, especially here where tourism is a huge economic driver. As we see more and more people visiting National Monuments, etc., we can see that positive impact on local economies. Thriving local businesses are more apt to join an organization like ours, especially as they see our value to enhancing their livelihoods.
– What ways do you use the Caja del Rio or surrounding public lands?
I love to hike in the Caja. But when I don’t have time to hike, I find that the designated roads can get you to some amazing spots that allow you to be in nature, if for only a short time. I think that is very healing, and definitely good for my mental health.
In collaboration with:
Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce
Partnership for Responsible Business